Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Getting to know Loads Amnesia

There are two contributing authors on Treme Sploded: Loads Amnesia and Dr. Sludge Muffin.  Our musical tastes are pretty similar, both of us leaning mostly towards rap and hip-hop.  Specifically, rap and hip hop that you hopefully haven't heard yet.

Dr. Muffin and I also have very unique and tasteless senses of humor.  If you get offended easily or don't like sarcasm, then I don't like you and you don't deserve this awesome blog and you can ESAD (eat shit and die, I like abbreviations)

Enough typing, this is what I listen to.

Wiz Khalifa
Yeah, I'm on Wiz Khalifa's dick.  Bad.  I said it.  There simply isn't another rapper who has put out as much consistently good music in the past year or two as Wiz.  Kid Cudi and Chiddy Bang are up there, but they put out probably half as much total music as Wiz does, with about the same percentage of it being really good.  If you get sick of me posting Wiz all the time, tough shit.  He's putting out new stuff almost weekly and if it's good it's getting posted.

Here are a few classic Wiz selections in case I've never forced you to listen to him before:

Ink My Whole Body

In the Cut

The Thrill

This Plane

Furthermore, all of Wiz's mixtapes/albums can be downloaded here for free:
I recommend you start with Kush and OJ and Flight School.

I listen to allllll types of rap music.  I try to stay away from the mainstream as much as possible (no Gucci Mane thanks), but if it's a good song then I could really give a fuck who it's by.  Some of my current favorite artists:

Chiddy Bang

Kid Cudi

J. Cole
This song Lights Please has some of the smartest, most original lyrics I've EVER heard in a rap song.  Jay-Z heard just this one song and insisted that J. Cole sign with Roc-a-fella.
If you have the time, read the lyrics with it:

I could go on for fortnights about all of the hip-hop that I love, so I'll just leave you with that.  Plenty more to come though don't worry.

This is one of the areas where mine and Dr. Muffin's tastes don't overlap.  You see, the good Dr. is about 10 years older than I am on the inside, thus dubstep is to him what rap music was to our parents, and it makes him cranky.  I, on the other hand, can't sit still when I listen to it.  It's like auditory meth, except I hate meth and I love dubstep.

Rusko - Hold On (Sub-Focus remix)

Deadmau5 - Faxing Berlin (Grifta Dubstep remix)

Mr. Hudson - Love Never Dies (over a Caspa beat)

Relaxing shit.  Music that I can close my eyes and smoke to.

DJ Shadow - Midnight in a Perfect World

Thievery Corporation - Amerimacka

Washed Out - Feel It All Around

I'm gonna try to put at least one song per day up on this blog, but it might not always happen.  This blog is about QUALITY OVER QUANTITY.  If I go a week without finding a song, then that's the way it is.  I'd rather have a week with no blog updates then start putting shitty music on my blog just because I feel I have to.  Also, every song I upload I have on my laptop, so if you really like something and can't find it anywhere else, let me know and I'll send it to you.  Unless this blog somehow gets really big, then you're on your own.  But it won't because I'm not that exciting.

Oh and this is the kind of humor I have:

Don't like?  Don't read.

Oh and shoutout to Alecs, the only emo-goth that I associate with.

Fuck that took forever to write.  I hope someone actually reads this shit.
-Loads Amnesia

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